Shang Liu (刘上)

Ph.D student
Graduate School of Informatics
Kyoto University

I am a Ph.D student in Kyoto University, supervised by Prof. Yang Cao and Prof. Masatoshi Yoshikawa.
My current research focuses on Differential Privacy, Graph Analysis, Cryptography

PGB: Benchmarking Differentially Private Synthetic Graph Generation Algorithms.
Shang Liu, Hao Du, Yang Cao, Bo Yan, Jinfei Liu, Masatoshi Yoshikawa
arXiv 2024 [paper link]

Federated Graph Analytics with Differential Privacy.
Shang Liu, Yang Cao, Takao Murakami, Weiran Liu, Seng Pei Liew, Tsubasa Takahashi, Jinfei Liu, Masatoshi Yoshikawa
arXiv 2024 [paper link]

CARGO: Crypto-Assisted Differentially Private Triangle Counting without Trusted Servers.
Shang Liu, Yang Cao, Takao Murakami, Jinfei Liu, Masatoshi Yoshikawa
ICDE 2024 [paper link]

Federated Graph Analytics with Differential Privacy.
Shang Liu, Yang Cao, Masatoshi Yoshikawa
FL4Data-Mining 2023 [paper link]

A crypto-assisted approach for publishing graph statistics with node local differential privacy.
Shang Liu, Yang Cao, Takao Murakami, Masatoshi Yoshikawa
Big Data 2022 [paper link]

LSM-Subgraph: Log-Structured Merge-Subgraph for Temporal Graph Processing.
Jingyuan Ma, Zhan Shi, Shang Liu, Wang Zhang, Yutong Wu, Fang Wang, Dan Feng
APWeb 2022 [paper link]

CSMqGraph: Coarse-Grained and Multi-External-Storage Multi-queue I/O Management for Graph Computing.
Shuo Chen, Zhan Shi, Dan Feng, Shang Liu, Fang Wang, Lei Yang, Ruili Yu
IJPP 2020 [paper link]

GraphScSh: Efficient I/O Scheduling and Graph Sharing for Concurrent Graph Processin.
Shang Liu, Zhan Shi, Dan Feng, Shuo Chen, Fang Wang, Yamei Peng
NPC 2019 [paper link]

Journal Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC)

Volunteering Conference Reviewer: SIGMOD24, PAKDD24, ICASSP24, DASFAA24, ICDCS24, VLDB23, ICDE23, AAAI23, SoCC23, DASFAA23, BigData23, PAKDD23, ICDE22, WSDM22

Volunteering Journal Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), Information Sciences

Kyoto University Graduate Division Fellowship (2021 - 2024)
Full Scholarships of HUST (2018 - 2021)
Presidential Scholarships of HUST, WHUT
National Scholarship of China (<1%, 2015)

08/2024 " Benchmarking Differentially Private Synthetic Graph Generation Algorithms", oral presentation in TFM 2024. Tokyo, Japan
05/2024 " Differentially Private Graph Synthesis", oral presentation in Kyoto Workshop. Kyoto, Japan
05/2024 " CARGO: Crypto-Assisted Differentially Private Triangle Counting without Trusted Servers", oral presentation in ICDE 2024. Utrecht, Netherlands
11/2023 " Federated Graph Analytics with Differential Privacy", poster presentation in SPRING Fellow Research Exchanges 2023. Kyoto, Japan
08/2023 " Federated Graph Analytics with Differential Privacy", poster presentation in FL4Data-Mining 2023. Long Beach, USA
12/2022 "A Crypto-Assisted Approach for Publishing Graph Statistics with Node Local Differential Privacy", oral presentation in Big Data 2022 Osaka, Japan
08/2019 "GraphScSh: Efficient I/O Scheduling and Graph Sharing for Concurrent Graph Processin, oral presentation in NPC 2019 Hohhot, China